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Remote Monitoring

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High Voltage Maintenace

MET Group Can Maintain Both, Your HV & LV Infrastructure

With the advancement in the electrification of processes, our customers are experiencing an increased demand for industrial and commercial power supplies. Where a 240V or 3-phase power supply once sufficed, many now require power directly from the local distribution network (the grid) at High Voltage (6.6kV or 11kV) to support larger equipment and higher power needs.

Operating at High Voltage (HV) necessitates compliance with the Electricity at Work Act and Health and Safety at Work Regulations, ensuring a safe environment for employees and business operations. MET Group assists customers in navigating these changes by offering and managing Control, Operation, and Maintenance Agreements (COMA).

HV Service includes, but not limited to:

Visual Inspections


  • General condition check

  • Insulator inspection

  • Cable inspection

  •  Switchgear inspection

Testing and Diagnostics


  • Insulation resistance testing

  • Partial discharge testing

  • Thermographic imaging

  • Circuit breaker testing

  • Transformer testing

  • Voltage testing

  • Relay testing

Cleaning and Lubrication


  • Cleaning insulators and bushings

  • Lubricating mechanical parts

Mechanical Maintenance


  • Tightening electrical connections

  • Inspecting and adjusting mechanical

  • components

Functional Checks


  • Switchgear operation test

  • Circuit breaker operation test

  •  Protection system checks

Documentation and Reporting


  • Record keeping

  • Maintenance reporting

Preventive Measures


  • Scheduled maintenance

  •  Predictive maintenance

This will also include Safety Checks such as Earth testing, Arc flash analysis, Safety equipment inspection. This list covers the essential maintenance tasks to ensure the safety, reliability, and compliance of high voltage systems.

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With a COMA, we ensure you have all necessary policies, procedures, and operational systems for the safe operation of your HV network, allowing you to focus on your business. Our team of Design Engineers, Senior Authorised Persons (SAPs), and technicians will help you develop and manage your network efficiently, providing safe access and overseeing overall operations and maintenance. 


Our policies and Senior Authorised Engineers provide confidence and compliance, prioritizing safety in running a reliable HV network. We have developed over 500 electrical policies, codes of practice, and individual procedures used daily by our operatives. Understanding that legislative requirements demand significant time and resources, we offer an informed team of skilled HV operatives to manage this for you.



Talk to us

Contact us today and we can discuss your project needs.

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